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Start-up with ambition and clear vision

Our history

Acalta is a company with roots in Erlangen. Despite or perhaps because of our young company history, we are proud of what we have already achieved to get closer to our vision.


The idea

What if we could care for patients digitally throughout the entire treatment process? At first it was just an idea - today it is the cornerstone of our vision. It all started with a doctoral thesis on the topic of "Acceptance and architecture of a trustworthy patient connection based on the FHIR standard".


EXIST founder grant

With our concrete business and product idea, we have received funding from the EXIST Start-up Grant. A program of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection, co-financed by the European Social Fund.


Reality Bites Building Box

Our participation in the Reality Bites Building Box brought us a big step closer to starting our business. The program focused on turning our idea into a concrete (business) plan while building a large network.


Founding Acalta GmbH

On 11.01.2021 Frederik Kaul, Dr. Nico Ploner and Simon Winkler founded Acalta GmbH.


ZOLLHOF Batch #4

With the acceptance for the startup support program of the ZOLLHOF Tech Incubator, we succeeded in taking an important step in the directions of networking, knowledge exchange and mentoring.


Launch Patienta

The centerpiece of patient-facing care, our Patienta app we released in the summer of 2021, which included the first basic features such as collecting questionnaires and sending reminders.


Start pilot project

With the Radiation Clinic of the University Hospital Erlangen we won our first customer, with whom we are still working today. The Acalta Health Platform is used here in the context of symptom documentation of immune and chemotherapy patients.


Start RECUR project

As part of the RECUR project to establish a national registry for recurrent stone disease, Acalta provides the patient app to ten university hospitals in Germany. With this, the data can be used for the project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.


Pre-Seed Financing Round

In March 2022, we were able to close our first venture capital fund led financing round together with two business angels from the medical sector. This will allow us to further expand the Acalta Health Platform and our team.

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