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Our heart

Our team

We don't see each other as just co-workers on any given day. We are Team Acalta. That's what drives us every day to realize our vision together.

Acalta Team Picture
Synergies are our core discipline and our blue thread.
CSO & Founder | Doctor

Frederik Kaul

As a trained physician, Frederik has a great understanding of our customers and their needs. With his open and communicative nature, he is responsible for the acquisition and support of our partners. During his 9 years in voluntary youth work, he has learned that you have to actively approach people in order to achieve something. Teamwork, committee work and active problem solving come naturally to him. He is a technology enthusiast for whom security and anonymity in the digital world always come first.

CFO | Doctor

Eva Weber

Eva is a physician and was a member of the board of the Federal Representation of Medical Students in Germany (bvmd) during her studies. She brings experience in association and staff management, third-party funding acquisition, as well as project planning. Her experiences have strengthened her belief that physicians must also take on the role of visionaries in order to improve the healthcare system and turn problems into solutions.

CTO & Founder | Doctor

Dr. med. Nico Ploner

Nico has a degree in both software engineering and human medicine. During his studies, he was already part of the Microsoft Developer Platform and Strategy Group in Germany and has over 12 years of experience in cloud technologies. Together with our development team he realizes our visions: technical concepts, platform and app development as well as their operation and security. His physician perspective always keeps our maxim in mind: "By doctors - for doctors".

CEO & Founder | Doctor

Simon Winkler

Simon is a physician and has always been fascinated by innovations in a wide range of specialties. Over the years, he has built a network in the local start-up and Medical Valley scene and gained experience in building companies and working as an entrepreneur. Simon is responsible for the content, usability or design of the platform during the product development phase. In addition to strategic business development, organization and financing, he takes over the management, control and organization of the operational processes and operational services.

Sales | Health and nursing professional

Monika Ammon

Moni is a health and nursing professional with professional experience in sales and complements our sales team with a pronounced passion for solution-oriented thinking and acting. With a great deal of friendliness and sensitivity for communication, she manages to combine her professional experience from both sectors and use it profitably. At the same time, she is very familiar with the time and personnel challenges of everyday hospital life from her professional life. At the same time, the opportunities of innovative patient care fascinate and convince her. Together with Frederik she is responsible for the acquisition of new customers and the support of our partners.

Development | Software Architect

Edwin Püttmann

Edwin graduated in software engineering from the University of Stuttgart and has 10 years of professional experience as a software developer in the automotive industry. With his knowledge he supports our development team and pursues his passion as a software architect. Especially in the areas of web development and cloud applications he strengthens the company and contributes to the further development of the Acalta Health Platform.

Development | Front-End Developer

Mohammed Karro

Karro's path to Acalta led via small detours. From studying archaeology in Syria, he came to Bremen and completed his training as an application developer. During his career, he has already worked with ERP systems in the construction industry and for individual manufacturers. With his dedication to intuitive design for applications and his enthusiasm for .Net systems, he is a valuable member of our development team. His interests extend to microcontrollers and 3D printing to realize small projects.

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Looking for a new challenge in the healthcare sector and want to work with our team? We are always looking for new enthusiastic team members to continue our blue thread. Take a look at our career section and let us acaltize you.

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